LOMO and Me
The intent of LOMOgraphy as a philosophy is to let go of all the burdens of traditional photography, and capture life as it is, as directly as possible. To translate freedom into pictures. To be free, wild, and young. To be spontaneous.
Why I don't like LOMOgraphy
I first found about lomography when I saw ads of Super Sampler in my art magazines. I really want to buy one but unfortunately at that time it was not available here in the Philippines. Most of the time me and my sister just look at different lomo cameras in urbanoutfitter's site.
A friend of mine recently is addicted to it. She showed me her pictures.

you can check out more of her pictures here tisha's flicker acount

If there are Dabawenyo's out there who loves lomography join LOMOdavao! We definitely are looking for members.
Posted bymiles0282 at 19:25 0 comments
Labels: alfred klomp, bugsy, Lomodavao, lomography, studiobugsy, tisha
How Color is Connected to Me (Color Quizes)
Color is one of elements of Design. Before I dwell into how I use color in my designs I took several color quizzes. I want to know how my preference for certain colors affects who I am.
Funny I had varied results.
Color Quiz by True Value
What's Your Color Personality by Better Homes
melissa took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test! "Feels exhausted by conflict and quarreling and des..." Click here to read the rest of the results. |
Luscher Color Test
PROBLEM UNDERLYING THE PRESENT STRESS -- Needs to protect himself against his tendency to be too trusting, as he finds it is liable to be misunderstood or exploited by others. Is therefore seeking a relationship providing peaceful and understanding intimacy, and in which each knows exactly where the other stands.
DESIRED OBJECTIVE -- Wants to make a favorable impression and be regarded as a special personality. Is therefore constantly on the watch to see whether he is succeeding in this and how others are reacting to him -- this makes him feel that he is in control. Uses tactics cleverly in order to obtain influence and special recognition. Susceptible to the esthetic or original.
CURRENT INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR -- Exacting in his emotional demands and very particular in his choice of a partner. The desire for emotional independence prevents any depth of involvement.
Glidden Color Test
Posted bymiles0282 at 18:42 0 comments
Labels: color, color test
Web Art Community
These days I surf the net for inspiration. There are many art communities around the world that features artists. Here are the top five web art communities that I constantly visit.

This is a very new Art Community. It had just started this year. I did not found them but they found me. I received an e-mail inviting me to join. With no hesitation I signed up. I'm always checking this site because they feature artist's work that is truly amazing.
I love how simple the site looks and how easy to upload your works. The interface in uploading is user friendly and you can upload as many images as you want in one set/album.

This art community is already been around for seven years. It was a college classmate who recommended this site. They boasts of having many members. There are a lot of cool features of this site. You could subscribe and get to have more features in your account but then there's the free subscription. You will get to meet a lot of friendly artists here. There are lots of cool tutorials, stock images, downloadables that you could use for personal purpose.

about corflot
This art community is not only for showcasing online portfolio but also for finding jobs. My father is the one who found this site. He was looking for jobs for me. You can also sign up for free. This site also very easy to use. What I love about this site is their search capabilities. You can easily find artists, portfolio and job. I also love their blog which gives very sound advice to amateur artists like me.

I get the latest buzz in the art from this site. I just stumbled into site from surfing the net. You can also find here job openings and events around the globe. This is also a big community. To sign up is also free. I like the profile page but unfortunately there is something wrong with uploading stuff in your portfolio.

I found this site featured in best web gallery and I love the look of the site. I am fan of anything cute so naturally I fell in love with it. It has a free account but I think its better if you really subscribe so that you will get a lot bigger space for your files. I have not really quite explored this site but still definitely on my list.
Posted bymiles0282 at 22:04 0 comments
Labels: behance, carbonmade, coroflot, cpluv, devianatart, portfolio
Welcome to Ymesako's Art Blog Project
by Frederic Crowinshield
Give me Strength, O Sun!-thy glorious Strength,
That my dim work may shine, And gleam divine,
As all thy lumined things throughout the length
And breadth of this fair span of Earth!
Give me thy Gold, O Sun!-thy burnished Gold,
That all the marveling peoples may behold
Upon the painted page my visions aureoled!
Then would there be no dearth
Of puissant means wherewith to light
The Bosky hills, the streams, the meadows dight,
Nor lack of austere shade
To drape in swarthy folds the gloomiest glade.
The year is ending. For me this a new beginning. For what lay before me is a very promising year. With my renewed outlook in life and renewed vigor for my art I will no longer be content in living under the shade of dark clouds. I will no longer wallow in boredom instead I aim to be more productive.
Thus project Ymesako art blog is born.
This is still in testing stage. I am still researching and gathering data in how and what I should blog about. One thing is for sure. I will definitely blog about Art.
I apologize for a simple template. I am still trying to figure about how to code XML. This template by the way is from GeckoFly.
I am open to comments and suggestions. I am also available for link exchange.
Posted bymiles0282 at 18:30 0 comments
Labels: art blog, Gecko Fly, Painter's prayer, ymesako